The most fundamental freedom is to raise your children.
No governments of the world predate this Right.
The men and women in the world's governments did not create this Right.
The US Constitution does not predate the Right of a child to be raised by his and or her parents.
No Constitutions of the world precedes the fundamental right to raise one’s child or children —
no one should violate this First Fundamental Human Right.
Governments did not create this right.
Governments and or government agents who take it away without cause must be reformed and or destroyed.
No one should need to prove the Right to raise their child(ren).
This is America's First Freedom; this is the World's First True Freedom.
Listen to those who would dispute this Right, and historically behind it we find an ideology of tyranny, control, fear, and oppression.
— David A. Skudneski
We must work together. United we rise. United we prevail.

This site is designed to allow those of us victimized by the so-called family court system to tell their stories; for my young wife, Dana, the family court actors have a direct link to her early death, heart attack, 42. This must be stopped.
David A. Skudneski
Post your 1-3 minute edited videos, here, telling of your experience of so-called family court. You are required to refrain from: threats, causing or intimating harm, destruction of self, others or property. (I am aware some of you are hurting and in pain; I am, too)